Alien (Richard Ayoade style) British. A bit nerdy but heartfelt.

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For a video game. Alien monologue.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Listen, before you say anything, I know what you're thinking. He's an alien. Good. I Yes. And you're probably also thinking his people did terrible damage to human society and then left or something to that effect. Uh, and as a culture. Well, all right, We were kind of complicit in that, But there were complications. You don't know about complicated human politics. Very, uh, complicated. And if you decide not to murder me, maybe I can tell you all about it. Friend, they didn't forget me. I decided to stay. I'm a scientist. I study alien species. I do not design planetary mining equipment or negotiate intergalactic business deals. I do not crack planets open. In no way am I in charge. But I was still a part of it. We could all see that greed had overwhelmed your ruling class and they would keep pushing things. And we let them because Because it's not our planet or are people. And we profited from it. Ultimately, it wasn't our problem because it never is. I stayed behind on purpose.