English Received Pronunciation. Industry Standard Instructional VO.

Profile photo for Sarah Lloyd
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Calm, Measured Tone, Clear Pronunciation, Steady Cadence.

Vocal Characteristics




British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gr CS advisory and policy guidance identifies high risk countries such as China, provides advice for mitigating risks and describes circumstances where disengagement may be required. These policies and procedures are an important way of demonstrating that you're respecting human rights and refraining from supporting or engaging in illegal behavior. The GRC documents provide tailored advice to suit your profession and suggest specific steps to ensure that you are meeting your human rights obligations and minimizing the legal and ethical risks to your organization and employees. There are three essential steps. One, make a human rights policy commitment, two conduct due diligence to assess potential risks and three prevent mitigate remediate or disengage a human rights policy. Commitment is a publicly available statement showing that your institution takes illegal organ trafficking seriously and when risks are identified, you respond accordingly.