Sam Williamson Promo

Television Ad


Produced by Don Miller at Airborne Audio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at dawn on the morning of June 6th, scores of warships were in position six miles off the Normandy coast. At 5:27 a.m. The bombardment began. The story goes that it was here in 16 21 that the early settlers held their first harvest. But long before then, Native Americans had celebrated their bounty with annual feasts. While Textron and Bell Helicopter take great pride in their long history, both are even more excited about the future with powerful brands, world class processes and talented people. Now you'll want to locate the torque arm and the pivot rod, fit these two together and slide the entire assembly onto the bracket. Today way gather with city that is home to the V F W national headquarters to remember the sacrifices of those who served throughout America. Our pockets of land where nature rules and man is merely a visitor. Every single day, we're committed to providing our customers with the highest quality product at a fair price. If we all work together, we'll ensure the future of our company and every job as well