Fairy Tale Demo (English version; includes Korean pronunciations)

Profile photo for Samuel Ewing
Not Yet Rated


A relaxing reading of the Korean folktale 'The Golden Ax and The Silver Ax' in English.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Korean North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The golden ax and the silver ax. This story is about one honest man and one greedy man. A long time ago, there were two friends. Their names were and was kind, was lazy and greedy. One day went up a mountain. He was cutting wood, he dropped his ax. His ax fell into a pond. Loba cried a mountain. God came out of the pond. He asked if his ax was gold. Said, no, the mountain God asked if his ax was silver. Said, no, said his ax was an iron ax. OK? Was honest. The mountain God liked his honesty. He gave topo a gold silver and iron ax. Jumbo was jealous. He went up to the mountain, he dropped his ax in the pond. A mounted God came out. He asked if his ax was gold. Yvo said, yes, the mountain God was mad. Received. No, a the mountain God gave him a hit on the head instead.