Jordan SAE Institute

Profile photo for Saif Hourani
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Voice over a commercial video for the college

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello there and welcome to S. A. The School of Creative Media at luminous Technical University College. This is our campus first. Let me tell you a little bit about the history of sc institute. We started offering creative industry practical education in 1976 in Sydney Australia. And in 2000 and seven we opened the doors of our campus here in Amman to offer ambitious students the opportunity to study filmmaking, digital and creative media, audio engineering and three D. Animation now. And in the wake of this global pandemic, the creative job market is demanding a skilled individuals like never before. And so we have added game designing and programming as well as augmented and visual reality to our list of programs. Our learning model is very simple education for employment, which not only gives the students the practical skills and the three article knowledge to succeed, but also links them with creative opportunities and exacting projects both internationally and regionally. Shall we begin?