Narrator---Female Teen Book Title: This Is Just A Test

Profile photo for Christina Clover
Not Yet Rated


Credit To Madelyn Rosenberg and Wendy Wan-Long Shang For Writing The Book

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The closest I ever came to being a hero was when our class took a field trip to make Kimmons Farm. It was the middle of November, and we've already had a couple of frosts, which killed off a lot of the green things and which made us wonder whose idea it was to visit a farm this time of year. Spring would make more sense when they were planting stuff or if the farm grew pumpkins, which didn't. When we went, everything was dying on McKim and Farm, and that included the poison ivy, which Mr McKinnon wasn't growing as a crop or anything. It was wild, wild, and, like I said, mostly dead. The sun was shining down ******* us in that cloudless blue postcard way that happens in Virginia. The teachers told a group of us to sit at the picnic tables so they could pass around seeds and dried Goard's, which Mr McKinnon actually did grow. Hector, my best friend, squirmed beneath the bench in the table and ducked underneath