Nanoware Inc. Introduction

Profile photo for Ryan Cloe
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Worked on this company introduction for Nanoware Inc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as technology advances, so should we advance our knowledge of a better, smarter and more environmentally conscious way of building. With recent advancements in the nano technology sector, there has been a breakthrough in utilizing one of Earth's most abundant and highly sustainable building materials. Science has allowed us to break down cellulose, the most abundant natural polymer on the planet, to its nano meter. Sounds through special processing methods were able to attain nano cells. Nano cellulose is the new wonder material. Impressive mechanical properties, reinforcing capabilities, abundance, low density and biodegrade ability of these nano particles make them ideal candidates for the processing of polymer nano composites. As the population becomes more aware of its impact on the planet, there is increasing demand for products made from renewable and sustainable. Non petroleum based resource is cellulose. The most abundant polymer on earth is renewable, biodegradable as well as non toxic. Nana, where INC is a chemical company that specializes in the manufacturing of nano cellulose from the indigenous plants of our goal, is to lessen our impact on the planet by providing superior nano materials from highly sustainable resource is