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Young Adult (18-35)


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manual transmissions. So what would happen if automakers actually built a sweet car with a manual like people have been begging for about a four door sedan with a big V eight comfy seats, undercover sleeper looks and a six speed? That's the Chevy SS. It debuted for the 2014 model year. They took a Holden Commodore from Australia, puts, um, Chevy badges on it, tuned the suspension just a little bit, and pretty much called it good. Critics freakin love this thing, comparing it to other sports sedan legends like the E 39 M five, a car that's been haunting my dreams for months. I want one bad, really bad, anyway. The SS with his stuff of enthusiasts, dreams, magnetic ride suspension, 415 horsepower, a six speed manual and my favorite cooled seeds. The SS was set to be an instant classic. There was one problem, though. Nobody bought it over. The SS is four year production run. It had just 12,860 sales. Just for comparison, Chevy sold nearly 10 times as many Corvettes in the same time period, and Fonda sold 1.4 million Honda Civics long story short, the SS was not a hit just for fun. I went on CarMax to find an access, and to my surprise, there were only three for sale. And not one of them had a six speed. I cried for half an hour that night.