Business Pitch, Kickstarter Narration - Engaging, Friendly, Relatable, Casual, Confident

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
getting from here. Teoh here used to take a whole afternoon. Until now, meet Lauren Monroe is the world's most efficient, fully autonomous lawnmower. Morro was designed to save you time and give you a beautifully manicured lawn all the time. Forget the old outdated lowers they take too long and too much work. They're clunky, and, honestly, you deserve better. Traditional mowers eat up your whole Saturday afternoon moment with more. Oh, it's a fat zero hours Old mowers give off a lot of exhaust fumes and harmful greenhouse gases. Morro uses a rechargeable 28 volts Samsung lithium battery that gives off zero greenhouse gases. These outdated mowers are basically an alarm clock for the whole neighborhood, while Morro being low noise, you may not even notice it diligently grooming your lawn. Spend your time enjoying your lawn, not mowing. Morro is equipped with a protective guard and a bump sensor. Never worry about the safety of you and your family. With the safe design of Mara, Morro allows you to make a customizable mowing schedule that adapts to your lawn, needs mo every two days, adjust the level of cut whatever you want. Morro has you covered don't worry about the shape or size of your lawn. Morro uses a perimeter wire that sets the boundaries for more. Oh, ensuring accuracy in what gets mode with an auto return feature. Morro docks when the battery is low, when it rains and when it's done moment, making Morro worry free and hassle free. Morro requires zero effort zero stress and provides the perfect lawn. Spend time on things you want to dio. Never waste a Saturday again in the sweltering heat, pulling a lawnmower. Let Morro do it for you back our campaign today and enjoy the benefits of your hard work while not worrying about preserving.