60 seconds news and trends podcast demo with Rolly hadassah in English

Profile photo for Aderolake Oyegbata
Not Yet Rated


As the Podcast host, I researched and gathered information from various sources, wrote the script, and voiced. I then downloaded content and visuals to project the message of the podcast and edited them with the recorded audio using familiar and mastered work tools.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Nigerian North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for that buddy, come on. Oh my God I'm definitely having the time of my life right now. Sounds with another 0.5 family should go early and that's not the one and only. Yeah. Right sugar you know I be president alright people, it's another beautiful bountiful episode of your favorite program Voices Republic you know I would do it Republicans bringing together the voices of young and Francis the Nigerian youth at large and the host of Voices the matters. Yes people every T. G. I am thank goodness. It's monday from one or two of the teams that we come together to remind the matters relating to our Republic of *** get informed. Well getting entertained, bam that's that's how it's pushing my journey. Yeah okay well we're gonna be talking about something something very very peppery and delicious lunch. Sure sounds like fun. You know you know your girl now you know your girl just hats baby, I just keep thinking about what's for lunch today. This is coming from our primi krona mr bona bona boy and he calls this more Life Sciences 98.5 FM. I'll be right back. Okay just in case just in case you're just joining us, it's your girl earlier that with Voices Republican, your second not radio at 8.5 FM. You know thinking out loud guys I think that this year's Bebe *** theme with a tag doesn't do enough justice, the kind of storm that you know it's actually blowing in the house or the kind of storm that we should be expecting from the housemates, I don't know if it's just me or if there's any other person with this with me on this, but I feel that so much has happened in just a short Well, don't you think so? Because it's just been a couple of days, right? A couple of days since the house been opened for the housemates and really so much has happened firstly have my drawbacks about this year's big brother. The Voice for me, it's not so cool, you know, compared to previous years now for me it's just two door, very door. You know what I really I don't know but which is what we're gonna be talking about today basically. You know really for me I'm feeling the Voice like I ought to the vibe the source is not there. You know there's just something about the voice. You just let me know what you feel because for me I feel the voice and say it's not commanding so much respect and feeling the housemates but then so much has happened again, you know, starting with have been turned down by D one and appearing again. Ouch that hurts because I was actually written for Anika you know the body on ah dammit the girl is hot. I know from a miracles marriage controversy. My brother is married, he's not married. So it's hot. Romantic kiss with Nina and the shower, damn this guy up on the shop pilots. Then we have a bit of the talkative trying to form. Came in and touching people in their sleep tight. But you know, he actually impressed me in the puzzle game last night so much for the, you know, Alright, 98.5. Affirm the program is still voices Republican. You've been listening to the voice earlier. That's of the Republic Chair Lady. Let's go on a very short commercial break now and be sure to have your funds ready when we get back. Welcome back republicans. So today, like I said earlier, I'm gonna continue guys to call in and tell me what you feel about this year's Big Brother. The Voice and all for me. The Voice and commanding enough respect and fear in the housemates. That's just what I feel. But then you let me know what you feel. Do you think it's perfect? You know, do you think it's cool? Do you think it's okay? Okay. What? You know, what's your what's your favorite housemate? Just tell me, tell me what you feel. Let me know. Talk to me talk to me. You know, I'm your Republic Channel lady. Talk to me. All right. The number to call is um 07037102458. I take that again 07037102458. I'll be right back. All right. Call time people call time. I can see my phone lines back and I'm seriously calm down Republicans. Say calm down now, calm down, calm down. Don't worry, I'm gonna talk to everyone is here. I'm gonna talk to everyone. Just pray that this network people don't do their normal, usual stuff. So you guys just calling. I'm gonna pick my first call number before then. Let me let me let me make you, let me make sure you're sure of what you're calling me to talk about. You just tell me all your favorite ultimate is and what you feel basically about this year's voice. So my lucky first caller of the day is hello, your turn into.