Audiobook Narration Demo

Profile photo for Rob Sogomonian
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Narration from three audiobooks:
- Quiet Leadership
- The Name of the Wind
- Topgun Days
Covering self help / leadership, fiction, and an autobiography style of audiobook.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our brains like to create order out of the chaos of data coming into them to make links between information so that our lives make more sense. We feel more comfortable surrounded by order, we feel better inside symmetry where we can see how everything is connected. Thus, we are constantly making links between maps to form new meta maps. A field called gestalt psychology has done significant research on how we look at situations and make meaning out of them. Wait, Chronicler Brighton suddenly I've been thinking about this all backward. He said shaking his head at his own foolishness. I'll just visit the Earl, then come back. You can have all the time you like. Then I could even bring scar back with me. Coat gave Chronicler a look of profound disdain. What gives you the slightest impression that I would be here when you came back? He asked incredulously for that matter what makes you think you're free to simply walk out of here knowing what you know, as a top gun instructor, I had to be an expert in American weapons and tactics so I could teach them in the classroom and then man up a sleek F five tiger two fighter and fly like an enemy to present a challenging and realistic adversary for air combat flight training. For a guy who grew up dreaming about fighters simply being a part of this world was a fantastic dream come true. Having to study and practice to achieve the highest level of expertise. Top gun's standard was the icing on the cake.