Interactive Demo Reel

Profile photo for Robert Dylan
Not Yet Rated


My interactive demo reel written, recorded and edited by Toonhouse Inc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This isn't going to go The way you think, oath breaker tread softly. You are on thin ice and winter far. Yes. Hey! Hey! Hey! What gives what's with tears as a the visions? Easy now river, deep breath. Have a seat. Wait, you never heard of David? Bowie? Oh, no, no, no, no, it's fine. He's only the greatest musician who ever lived. If you will not teach me the ways of the Ben, do I will still bring honor to the people of morose or I will die trying. Yeah. Hello, friend. Hello! Haven. Is safety in numbers. Haven means well, well, well back so soon, trendsetter. Oh, that that's some primo tweezer and it's a little out of your price range. How much you got? Damn! Those raises. Listen, wonder. There is no bartering with hella cross this bridge and you shall never return. No! This time I cannot let you follow. Now go. Whoa! Not so fast, dr cox smith. Wait, a bunch of robot bombs. That's your master plan already. Time to armor. Oh, yeah, Miss me. Whoa! Hot! Hot! Oh yeah.