Robbie Raugh Radio Host sample (english)

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I am the radio host and podcast host of a Health and Fitness show called The Raw Truth on WDCX Radio

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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Your journey to health starts. Now get the truth, the raw truth with international health and fitness expert, Robbie Rowe, call Robbie with your questions and comments at 883, 5000 or 1 806 8428 48. Coming to you live from the W DC studios. Here's Robbie and thank you so much for joining us. I'm Robbie Ra and this show is about fate, family food, fitness, finance, and so much more super excited about today's show. But before I get into that guys, I know there's a lot going on out there uh in your lives, maybe, uh you know, it's relationships, maybe it's health issues, maybe it's work issues or financial issues or really for some, maybe just, you know, your faith is wavering. I'm so glad that you joined us today and no matter what is going on in your life. I want you to remember that God has a plan for your life. He is with us. He's for us. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us in that breath that you and I are taking in right now. God put it there. He woke us up this morning for a divine purpose, for his purpose in our life. And I always have to remind myself of this, you know, because sometimes life is hard, right? And we're going to be talking today about identity, you know, our identity should be in Christ, um this world and the culture just bombards us with so many lies. And of course, you know, the lie of the enemy is, is the number one thing, right? Um And we are not battling against uh flesh and blood, you know that, right? So we're going to talk with an expert today. Doctor Donna Potter from in his name, outreach is going to be joining us. We'll talk about our identity and really um you know, just get down to the nitty gritty of what that means, right? Because it, it could mean different things to different people. But who are we in Christ? And what does that mean? Right. So when we come back, we'll get into our conversation with Doctor Donna Potter. I'm so grateful that she's here. She's one of my favorite people in the whole wide world and we'll talk about in his name, outreach and what they do there and how they can help you. First, I want to tell you about Western New York pain relief and integrative wellness. Doctor Meio was on the show last week. He loves the Lord. He helps people with pain and pain relief without medication and without surgery check him out. Western New York pain relief and integrative wellness. We'll be right back with the raw truth. Stay with us has constant back and nerve pain left. You feeling weak and exhausted. Do you continue to suffer from sciatica, stenosis bulges, herniations, weak or heavy legs. Do you feel that you have tried all forms of treatment and even considered surgery? If so? I hope this message brings you home. I'm Dr Milio with Wny Pain Relief. My approach to eliminating neck back and nerve pain has brought thousands of patients not only pain relief but restored quality of life. My office is unique and one of a kind providing customized care to meet your individual needs. I'm here for you and welcome you to call Wny today to see and feel the difference. We provide care and treatment unlike any other clinic designed to eliminate pain and help you heal medication and injections are not the only answer. They leave many people with never ending doctor visits with little to no pain relief. Call 650 pain today and schedule your free consultation or reserve a seat at our upcoming seminar. Wny Pain Relief. Your pain stops here when it comes to fitness. We need to keep our body fit as well as our skin. Robbie recommends the holistic approach found at my health 360 located in Clarence. This medical aesthetic spa specializes in cutting edge body, skin and hair rejuvenation. My health 360 offers the newest breakthrough in non invasive body shaping m scalp neo. While most other body sculpting technologies either freeze fat cells or melt fat cells. Revolutionary procedure not only results in 30% reduction of body fat but also boost your metabolism by giving you a workout equal to 20,000 sit ups in 30 minutes to increase muscle mass by 25%. They even offer the latest breakthrough non invasive treatment for urinary incontinence called Zela. A great option for both men and women to reproduce. 11,000 kal contractions in 28 minutes. Check out their services at my health 3 60 wellness dot com and follow them on Instagram call 7164073250 and don't forget to let them know you heard it right here on the raw truth. Hi, I'm Amy. We from Catalyst Fitness as everything is going up in price, gas, food concerts, games. The good news is at Catalyst. We will always have a perfect fit for your budget. Catalyst has everything you need to be your healthiest, physically and mentally. I invite you to come in and see everything that's new making catalyst. The cleanest safest and most amazing club in Western New York. Go online to Catalyst Fitness. Buffalo dot com or visit one of our seven locations. Catalyst. Fitness. Activate your life. No, two snowflakes are alike. No, two fingerprints are the same. That's the way it should be when it comes to your financial portfolio. Haven Financial planning has a personalized wealth management approach because they understand that each has different needs that require unique customized attention. At Haven. Financial services offered include retirement planning and personalized financial management. Set up your appointment at the Williamsville office today by calling certified financial Planner Katie Weel at 716458 1900 or visit haven planning dot com. Haven financial planning, bringing Christian principles to family finances, securities offered through LP L Financial member fro SI PC, fine tuned mind, body, soul and spirit with Robbie Raw. This is the raw truth and we are back if you're just joining us. I'm super excited about today's show. Doctor Donna Potter. She is the director of counseling services at in his name, outreach. You've heard us say I know and of course they do uh counseling, recovery, co coaching, uh recovery training and so much more. They've helped thousands and thousands of people in this area. So good morning Donna. Good morning. Great to see you. Great to see you. I'm always so happy to see your smiling face no matter what's going on. You're smiling. Thanks. Well, tell before we get into our topic today about identity. Um, tell us a little bit about uh, I know for those people that don't know. Well, um I know counseling and recovery services. We do so many things. Uh being director of counseling, it's my calling it's my passion is what I love and I love what I do and do what I love. And, and so thankful for that, that God can use me to speak wisdom into people's lives. And, you know, it's taken a long time to get this wisdom and I'm so thankful that and, and privileged to be able to come alongside people who are hurting or trying to make life decisions, whether it's um do I get married? Is this my mate to um you know, how do I get online to date to? Uh you know, my family is falling apart and addiction is ravaging everything. So we get hit with all kinds of things and so thankful to be there as a resource for so many. Well, and I mean, there's so much going on in the world right now too and there's a lot of anxiety and depression with young people um as well. And so I know you, you help adults, but do you help Children as well? We do. My youngest client is three and my oldest client is 97. So um I do get the whole gambit and that's true, Robbie, we're going to continue to see more anxiety, anxious, um fear of missing out with our young people as we have encountered COVID. And even on the TV, these days, they're starting to say, you know, cases are rising and you know, the PTSD that comes along with that as well. Yes. Um and so fear of missing out. I, I just thought right away of social media, right? I mean, everybody posts the highlights of their life and so many young people are dealing with. Wow. You know, my life doesn't look like that life and um this insecurity and anxiety and depression, I'm sure a lot of it stems from social media as well. Right? It does. And when we don't know who we are, uh we look at everybody else and start this comparison within ourselves. Like maybe God made a mistake, maybe I'm not as good as somebody else or maybe I'm broken and there's something wrong with me, right? So we uh kind of put a place of failure in root and self destruction rather than the great potential that God has placed in each of us. Yes. And I think, I think kids are so confused right now too. I mean, you know, if you know, if you were uh when you were eight years old and, and your parents ask you what you want to be, I mean, back then most, most kids said cowboy or a princess right now. I, I don't even know what, what the heck is going on. Um And you know, the world would be filled of princesses and cowboys if, if, when we were eight years old, we, we, we became who we said we were going to be, right. It's so confusing right now and Children are so impressionable and our culture is just pushing so many narratives right now. It scares me. It does. And, you know, I just, I look at even the news this morning about the young boy who committed suicide over being bullied at school and how his parents are, you know, going to sue the Buffalo schools. And, you know, it's just so sad because whether it's social media, whether it's in school, uh you know, we're inundated regularly on opportunities to question ourselves. Who am I? What defines me? What is my identity? And there's so much identity confusion these days because we're not cowboys and princesses. Well, maybe I'm a princess sometimes I am. Well, you know, and it's true. I mean, um you know, I think I've been reading a lot about not, not, I think I have been reading a lot about uh the LGBT Q identification is highest among Gen Zs. Um Actually, it said in generation Z, 13.1% this was April of this year, say they are bisexual. 3.5 are ***, 2.2 are lesbian and 1.9 are transgender. And then with that, this whole uh narrative of surgeries and hormones and all of that stuff. It's just so confusing to people. Um And so to me the enemy at work and it is confusing and part of that is because our youth isn't fully developed right in the brain center that makes those best decisions. So somebody trying to make those decisions is at an early age, we were not created to be facing that. Right. That's why it says no fornication, no moving forward, sexually perversion, things like that. Even as an observe or not taking it with an opinion, even, uh, we know that those things aren't the best because they place us in jeopardy of who we are. Um, you know, it's like in who we are, we haven't defined at that point yet unless we knew what we wanted to be at eight years old. Yes, I heard someone say that at eight they wanted to be a pirate, you know, thank God no one scheduled them for eye removal or a peg leg surgery or something like that. Well, we're gonna take a break and when we get in, when we come back, we're gonna get into this. Um, I love how you quoted, um, be yourself. Everyone else is taken by Oscar Wild. Yeah. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. I, I, that, that is a really good quote. And so, um, you know, what is finding your identity? Really? What does that mean? Like it, it's, it's never too late to do it. Right. First of all, that's right. Ok. And so it's important that, that we make uh the distinction of who we are in Christ and help our Children to understand that. I guess the main thing is right now, our Children need to understand who we are. In Christ. So we're going to talk about all of this. When we come back from our sponsors, we're talking with Doctor Donna Potter and, you know, she's a doctor, she has her doctorate. So, yeah, she's been doing this a long time and studying this. She's the director of counseling services in his name. Outreach. What is the website? Ihno dot org? Very simple. Ihno in his name. Outreach. It stands for uh dot org and you can check out all the services they have there as well as all of the wonderful counselors uh experienced and you know, uh certified counselors you have on staff. So we'll continue this conversation first. I want to tell you about synergy, nutrition and wellness. Jimmy Scaring was in the uh on the show just a couple of weeks ago talking about the hyperbaric chambers they now have there. They're just rolling all of this out. Well, I just think of anti-aging when I think of that, but it helps with so many other things as well. So make sure you check them out and we'll be right back with the raw truth. Stay with us for years. You've been suffering with health problems. You've seen one doctor after another, but your symptoms haven't gone away. It's time to seek a natural solution when the right combination of natural health therapies and whole food supplements. Join forces. You have synergy. Hi, I'm Jimmy, founder and owner of Synergy Nutrition and Wellness here. In Western New York at synergy, we teach our patients how to thrive holistically because God designed the body to heal and function on its own. Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone permitted you to believe. We have successfully helped patients battling health issues like acid reflux, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autism, autoimmune disease, infertility, and much, much more. You can take control of your health without relying on medications or surgeries, get rid of the pain, depression, exhaustion and so much more and start living the life you were meant to live. And it starts with a simple phone call to make an appointment with a synergy team member. Please call us at 706 2644248. You can also check us out online at 716 synergy dot com. Hey, this is Robbie. You know, I love coloring my hair and if you color your hair but hate all of those chemicals used to do it. I have some great news for you. Pure organic Salon is who you need to call. The products are free from aerosol GMO S gluten ammonia, sodium chloride and sulfate, even plastic. And the list goes on and on your hair will maintain its natural protein and moisture balance while achieving amazing color like mine without harsh chemicals for a healthier head of hair from the inside out. Other products include organic skincare products, nail care and a toxic free cosmetic line for more information. Call 7167967339. If you are looking to improve your smile, Robbie recommends five star rated Doctor Charles Coho at more than a smile orthodontics throughout his career, Dr Kohout has created over 13,000 beautiful smiles with braces and Invisalign. He will make sure you get the results you are looking for by using the most state of the art technology and procedures. whether you're interested in the most comfortable fastest or most discrete types of braces available. You will find them at more than a smile orthodontics. They take great pride in upholding a standard of honest, compassionate care. His orthodontic team has one goal above all others helping you to create your healthiest and most beautiful smile with braces or Invisalign. There are two convenient locations in Williamsville and Elma take advantage of a complimentary more than a smile orthodontic assessment, no obligation comprehensive exam and personalized treatment consultation. Check them out at more than a smile Ortho dot com or call 7166334747 for an appointment today. This is the Raw Truth with Robbie Rowe. Call with your questions and comments at 883 5000 or 1 806 842848 and we are back. Welcome to the Raw Truth again. Don't forget all of my shows are on podcast on all major platforms. Look for the raw truth with Robbie Raw and that's raw is Raugh, but the raw truth is rew ok. We're talking with Doctor Donna Potter. She is the director of counseling services in his name, outreach here in Buffalo, New York. I do get, do you welcome people from Canada as well? I have uh clients actually all around the world. Wow. I've been doing this, like you said earlier a long time. Yes. And thanks to Zoom and other modalities. All right. So we are talking about identity and we, you know, we mentioned earlier about it's, you know, identity crisis is on the rise guys. Um you know, listen to the beginning of the show if you haven't heard it. But what is identity? What, what is the definition of that doctor? Well, the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is like is if we are defining a Christian identity, we would look at scripture first, John 31 through three that says see what kind of love the father has given to us that we should be called the Children of God, right? There's an identity that labels us Christian because we are part of God, right? Um And so I think that that like I said earlier and I know you agree with this needs to be instilled in our, in our children's lives early on. But I mean, Doctor Donna, let's face it sometimes as a parent, you can do everything right? Or you know, pretty much everything, right? And still your Children are influenced by our culture, by the schools, by their friends, by the enemy. Um There's so much right. There are and not just um we can do everything right. We can, the beauty is that we can also do everything wrong. And you know, God created us. Thank you Lord for with resiliency and perseverance to be able to come through these things, whether good or bad, just like Jesus said, we can come through the storm with peace. Um And how important is that? Because we have security. Absolutely. So our identity holds what? Well, personality traits, abilities, you know, your likes and dislikes Robbie, what we love passions and purpose. Uh It holds our belief system, our moral code and the things that motivate you. And I, and these all contribute to what we look at when we look at our own self image or our unique identity as a person. And the path of identity is not linear. It zigzags along the way, traumas, abuse, addiction, uh relationship, choices, choices in general, they all affect uh exactly what our identity is going to hold. But you know, it's scripture talks about that. You remember Galatians 2 20. Right. Absolutely. I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh. I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself. For me, you know, you mentioned, um, you know, trauma, I think that comes into play more than most people think. Right. Like PTSD trauma from past relationships, maybe from people's upbringings. But, you know, we don't have to be our past. Right? I mean, we, we don't have to identify with our past. That's why I think counseling is so important for people, you know, whether or not they realize it or not. Um We all are a product of our environment, you know, and our experiences and that's so true, right? And, and we get to reframe, I get to define what my world looks like. And I'm so thankful that I'm not who I used to be because I can actually move out of those traumas. You know, we've all faced traumas in some way, shape or form these days. We look at everybody as if they've been through trauma, don't pick and choose anymore because it's prevalent in our growth. There will be things that will affect us that won't affect somebody else. It depends on what's going on within us at any given time. Maybe your child going through a divorce. So you're sensitive about some things because that divorce actually rocked your world and you didn't expect that your family would break apart. That's why there's always victims in divorces, right? So these things create, like you said, those traumas or, you know, abusive relationships, somebody else has control over you rather than you having the control and situations happen and they trigger us. It's like, let's say you've been through two bad marriages. So it's going to be hard if you ever decide to marry again, you're going to look at the past. Right. And, and almost plan your future according to your past. And the problem with that if you don't seek counseling or help is that you'll do it all over again. Unless somebody helps you reframe that way of thinking. And how can you rebuild that? How can God restore that and rejuvenate so that you can have a healthy future? 100%. I mean, I, I call it junk in the trunk. Everybody's got drunk and their trunk and I mean, I'm going to be honest, you know, my parents got divorced, um, and it did, it rocked my world, like the foundation of my world was rocked and, and it was a very insecure time for me. Like I felt like, wow, you know, like, um, I, I just, you know, I mean, I obviously you've gone through a lot of counseling from this. Uh that, that is the only thing that affected me, but it definitely played a part and I didn't realize it until I was an older adult of the, the effect that it had on me and that my parents were married for 35 years, divorced for five, remarried for two and then they got separated. I mean, if that does if that's not a rocky, you know, of life, I don't know what it is, but it was very confusing for me. I'm like, what, what is going on. So anyway, uh we talk about, you know, what your identity holds uh and all the things you mentioned and yes, the experiences we've had. Um So where I guess if someone's listening right now too and they're thinking, you know, I went through the, I went through um divorce or I went through, you know, this or that or I was influenced by the culture, but I'm doing pretty good. Uh But I'm still, I'm still having problems in my relationship. They might not know where it stems from as, as I didn't until later on in life, right? That's why I think it's good for everybody to go to counseling, right? Because it can limit us and stop our growth so that uh you know, it's like sanctification, you know, people understanding that that as we move forward, we want to get better and better, right? We want, we want to please the Lord. Um we want to let go of those things, those maybe addictions, maybe I'm trading out bad coping mechanisms um that this was how I dealt with the mom and dad's divorce. Um You know, that I would think that I wasn't worthy and maybe do some cutting to release that pain or we, we tend to do things to harm ourselves, self loathing and and because we think that maybe we were part of the responsibility because we just don't know any better at that point. So those traumas they're important to address and if we don't address them now, uh, at some point, we'll have to address them later and we might not be ready to do that at that time and find that we don't have a support system. So counseling does come in handy in that. Yes. What I deal with in my practice a lot is uh mostly women who are having trouble because they were told that they were, you know, over fat or they weren't, you know, good enough or whatever, whether it be from, you know, their upbringing or other people, you know, uh judging them or whatever. And, and I always encourage counseling, but knowing who you are gives you a sense of security, right? Oh It does even in Romans 8, 14 15, for all who are led by the spirit of God or Sons of God, for you to not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, right? We need security to overcome fear. But you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry. I'm a father. And so how important is that? Because our esteem comes from God, not from others. And that's what I see so much of the time, particularly in young people that you know, they have an insecurity, the confidence if you look around. There's not as many confident people as there used to be, right? We could walk into a room and know that nobody's better than us and nobody's worse than us, right? We're all the violent defender at some point, right? So we accept that we learn from that and we move on because it says all fall short of the glory of God, right? So we can walk in with the security knowing who we are in Christ. Yes. And I, I just read uh that in the Bible do not fear is mentioned 365 times. What? Well, that's a good one to know how important it is that we don't fear. And that as you said, our esteem comes from God and not from others and not from what's going on in the world too. I mean, uh it's so like I said, it's so confusing. Um We're going to go to break and when we come back, we'll continue this conversation with Doctor Donna Potter. She is the director of counseling services for in his name, outreach. I know, I love, I love that acronym. I know. Oh my gosh, you're a riot. OK. We're going to continue this conversation. And can we just go back to the days of cowboys and princesses? I'm just saying, all right first, I want to tell you about total breakthrough. Dominic Saro what a blessing. What a prayer warrior. I know. You know him, Donna and, and you guys are both just I'm fire for the Lord. Uh Dominic's got quite the story you're gonna hear about it now and then we'll be back with the raw truth. Stay with us. Imagine your heart stops beating for 23 minutes and your loved ones are told you would either be brain dead or dead by the morning. I don't have to imagine that because it happened to me, but because of the power of prayer, I'm alive today. Hi, I'm Dominic Zarroli. I received a miracle that day. And as a result of my storm, total breakthrough was birth, my team and I have ministered to hundreds of thousands of people across the US and Canada and have received tens of thousands of prayer requests. When you submit your prayer request, our team of partners not only will pray for you but will also follow up with you by phone or email. God is still in the miracle working business and I'm living proof of that. If you have a prayer request, I invite you to send it today by going to our website Total Breakthrough dot org and click on the prayer link at the top of the page. That's total breakthrough dot org. Thank you and God bless. Are you or someone you know, struggling with addiction? It's time to take the first step towards a brighter future. Welcome to I know counseling and recovery servicess where hope and healing me at. I know, we believe that every person deserves a chance at recovery, a life free from the chains of substance abuse. Our recovery peer advocate training program is designed to equip individuals in recovery with the skills and knowledge needed to support others on their journey to recovery. It's a comprehensive program covering active listening, communication skills and effective support strategies. So if you or someone, you know, could benefit from our counseling and recovery services or are interested in becoming a certified recovery, peer advocate visit. Ih and O dot org. I know counseling and recovery services. We're here to help when it comes to fitness. We need to keep our body fit as well as our skin. Robbie recommends the holistic approach found at my health 360 located in Clarence. This medical aesthetic spa specializes in cutting edge body, skin and hair rejuvenation. My health 360 offers the newest breakthrough in non invasive body shaping m scalp neo. While most other bodies in technologies either freeze fat cells or melt fat cells, this revolutionary procedure not only results in 30% reduction of body fat but also boost your metabolism by giving you a workout equal to 20,000 sit ups in 30 minutes to increase muscle mass by 25%. They even offer the latest breakthrough non invasive treatment for urinary and called MLA, a great option for both men and women to reproduce 11,000 kegel contractions in 28 minutes, check out their services at my health 3 60 wellness dot com and follow them on Instagram call 7164073250. And don't forget to let them know you heard it right here on the Raw Truth. Learn more about Robbie as well as blog posts, videos and resources from today's program by visiting Robbia dot com and we are back. Welcome to The Raw Truth again. Don't forget all of the shows are on podcast on all major platforms. You can forward them to other people. Uh Don't forget to hit the subscribe button as well or the follow button. So, Doctor Donna Potter, director of counseling services in his name, outreach is joining us. We're talking about identity and um I'll tell you what it is so confusing as we said for our youth today. And, you know, I mentioned earlier about hormones and uh surgeries going on and even Doctor Donna, I know that some counselors have asked Children. Um Do you think you if they're talking to a girl, do you think you'd be better as a boy? Uh um Wait a minute. Uh So we, we need to make sure that the right counselor who is a biblical counselor is talking to our Children, don't we? Well, faith has a lot to do with it because it's our faith that gives us the security to go through life when all of a sudden we're given those questions it makes it very difficult as a youth. Um the insecurity of being who they are. And that way when other Children like in high school, we know how difficult high school is. And um the insecurity that comes with that and when others start telling us that we should be something other than what we are. The confusion, we start to believe that maybe others are right. So if we can hit somebody who will first help us accept who we are, um, it can change, it can be a game changer and we walk better with more security, with that security. We can't more than likely get bullied so much or, um, made fun of by the other kids at school. You know, high school is brutal, brutal. Yes. Uh, you know, and it's, I mean, I think that, you know, it is so hard for our kids today. We need to continue to pray about them. But psalm 1 39 I praise you for, I am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful. Are your works? My soul knows it very well. And, um, you know, you talk about knowing the truth about yourself, right? What, what do you mean by that? Well, knowing the truth about yourself, really shields you from getting emotionally mentally unstable or even, uh, hurt from things like insults from other people. And, you know, earlier you had also shared about how, you know, kids may be calling other kids fat because their body structure is different and we take those things to heart because we're in a comparison mood until we actually find out our identity of who we are and we start to walk in it. That's why, you know, um, a parent who raises up their child in the way that they should go is much more stable in all of their ways, you know, they may walk away. But chances are the come back. right? Yeah, we're praying, we pray every day for that. Um You know, but you know the enemy is he, he's the king of lies, deception, confusion. And I think this confusion is at the center of a lot of this. So we got to encourage our kids, you know, faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ, right? Read God's word, read God's word if you're confused or you don't have the faith that you, you need. Um And of course, you know, our our who we are, as you say in Christ, that grounds our identity. Um You talk about Genesis 1 27 right? Yes, I do. And you know, God created man in his own image and the image of God, he created him, male and female. He created them. So when we get grounded in our identity, uh it's what we believe about who we are plays its way into like lots of areas of our lives where we make judgment calls and choices in our day. Constantly, you know, and there's so many areas like how we respond socially, how we deal with our emotional issues. You know, you know, people in your life that some can deal with something that's big on their plate. Yet others, uh, one little thing will come their way and they'll freak out or get overwhelmed and shut down. Right. So we need to know our identity so that we can handle these things better. Uh How about our financial decisions and generosity, right? Um Our identity will allow us the security of being able to give 10% or 30% knowing that we can never out give God, right? So having that identity in Christ is important for those reasons because, you know, think about even reaching and expanding intellectually into our mental health and physical well being, uh being grounded in our identity is important. Um you know, think about when we're not grounded in Christ, how those areas fluctuate in and out and we start getting very indecisive and then we can't make a decision and then we go to somebody else to make it. And now it's their world that we're in rather than creating our world with the Lord. Yes and anxiousness, you know, uh anxiety, depression, I mean, in my practice over the years, I have seen so many young people coming in on antidepressants and anti anxiety. And I mean, I'm a nurse, ok, I understand that medication is needed at some times. But if you're prescribing medication as a health practitioner before counseling for, you know, for anxiety and depression, I'm sorry, it's just wrong. Ok. We can't just keep putting band aids on things that kids and adults are going through. We need to get to the root cause and talk things out with a professional with someone who's qualified to help us walk through things just like we need to get to the root cause of disease and, and, you know, physical symptoms, we need to get to the root cause of, you know, some things that are going on emotionally or mentally and, and I, I'm such an advocate for counseling for that rather than a pill for every ill, which is a silver bullet. Yeah, it's like, you know, so we're making zombies out of, you know, people so that they are, they don't feel their pain. So they, they don't, you know, react or whatever it is. I mean, I'm a psychiatric nurse by trade. That is why I'm not psychiatric nursing anymore. I'm sorry, I just got turned off by a pill for every ill and just pumping, you know, whether it's medication or uh shock therapy or whatever it is. I know again that sometimes that is needed. But counseling, counseling, what about talking through what is going on with everyone and getting, you know, getting to understand it, uh where it's coming from, you know, the PTSD or whatever it is, you know, where, where is that coming from? And I mean, I don't know, you're, you're, you know, you're the expert but you know, seeking wisdom, you know, my people perish for lack of knowledge. So we need to make sure that we are, we are getting that help we need from experts. That's why guys check in his name, outreach out. Doctor Donna Potter, we're talking with right now. We're gonna go to break and we'll continue this conversation on our identity with Doctor Donna Potter. First, I want to tell you about another person who I just love, love, love. And that is Katie. We from Haven Financial Planning. Boy, you know, talk about uh financial issues and our financial decisions or generosity. You know, she is someone that can help you with all of that following biblical principle. She, she's a certified financial planner uh which means she doesn't sell anything by the way. And when you tell her, you heard it right here on the raw truth. You can get a free strategy session. I always say this but my husband and I took 12 pages of notes with our free strategy session. So bring a pad of paper and a pen because when you go there, she has so much wisdom, it just flows off uh her tongue just like doctor uh Donna Potter here. She's an expert at what she does. Haven financial planning. We'll be right back with the raw truth. Stay with us. No, two snowflakes are alike. No, two fingerprints are the same. That's the way it should be when it comes to your financial portfolio. Haven Financial planning has a personalized wealth management approach because they understand that each client has different needs that require unique customized detention. At Haven. Financial services offered include retirement planning and personalized financial management. Set up your appointment at the Williamsville office today by calling Certified Financial Planner, Katie Weibel at 716458, 1900 or visit haven planning dot com haven financial planning, bringing Christian principles to family finances. Securities offered through LP L financial member fro SI PC. When medication made Lauren's wife's pain worse, he discovered light therapy and contacted Tom Kerber. Here's his story between my wife and I the lights that we use, we use at least every day. It's part of our life. My wife had knee replacement surgery when they took the bandages off. We applied the light to it. A surgeon in Toronto that I had never seen anybody heal so fast. I had developed sciatica pain in my left leg. 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Hi, I'm Jimmy, founder and owner of Synergy Nutrition and Wellness here in Western New York at Synergy, we teach our patients how to holistically because God designed the body to heal and function on its own. Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe we have successfully helped patients battling health issues like acid reflux, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autism, autoimmune disease, infertility, and much, much more. You can take control of your health without on medications or surgeries. Get rid of the pain, depression, exhaustion and so much more and start living the life you were meant to live. And it starts with a simple phone call to make an appointment with a synergy team member. Please call us at 7162644248. You can also check us out online at 716 synergy dot com. Find the raw truth on Facebook. Go to Facebook dot com search the raw truth, fitness and click, like to become a fan and we are back. Thank you so much for joining us. You guys. It's always a pleasure and an honor to be here, uh, at W DC X and just, you know, helping people get through life with faith, family, food, fitness, finance. Uh, and so much more today is Doctor Donna Potter in his name, outreach. He's the director of counseling Services. And Donna, uh, Doctor Donna again, tell our listeners how to get a hold of you or the wonderful counselors and coaches at, uh, I know, well, we have our website at ihno dot org or Corey sitting at the front desk and she's just waiting for that call at 7164643681. Ok. And you're in the Buffalo area, but you also can do zoom and you see people all across the country all across the world, all across the world and that includes Canada. Canada is part of the world as I know, we have our friends in Canada listening as well. And, uh, so that's amazing. And so you deal with recovery training, uh, recovery coaching, uh, counseling and, uh, so much more and to, to, um, to bring healing to people, right? You have community outreach, support groups, premarital and marital counseling. Uh, you know, and people just need to give a call, right? And, and I think that's the hardest step for people, isn't it? I think so because we think that we can handle it ourselves or we're ashamed, uh that we're not who we think that we should be. And we don't want to share that shame with somebody else. Um But you know, when we can come past it and realize that we need a support system. Nobody was a rock in an island by themselves, right? That we need each other because together we're stronger. And when you can sit down with somebody who you can trust uh and share your world, you have an opportunity now to start to change it. And you know, uh a support system is very important and that's why we don't wait and just go from, you know, church service to church service on Sunday, we go through Bible studies and, and we create our, our step fellowship or whatever so that we can support each other in this because we're not alone. And, you know, we're saved by the blood of the lamb and our testimony. We all have things that aren't our shiny moments, right? And we don't have to bury them. We can actually learn how to use them to help others, not maybe make those same mistakes. Yeah. And I think also to, to um to know you're not alone, you know, I think that uh I, you know, over the years in, in, you know, counseling that I have gone through, you know, I love when a counselor says to me. Yeah. You know, I used to feel that way or I felt that way before or I've been through that before or whatever it is. It's like, oh, good. Ok. I'm not crazy. You know. Um, I think it's important that we, we have that support system but, ok, so how does it work in terms of somebody's listening right now? And they, they give a call, um, and they set up a, a first appointment. How, how does it work? Well, on the website, there are multiple counselors. Uh some people prefer to have a counselor that's kind of in their culture and, and that's perfectly fine. There are, there's a diverse group of counselors on the website so they can look and pick and choose. Um they can give Korea called, they can uh just check out what it is. We do what services um and we also have outreach in Africa. Uh We have sponsorship for Children in Africa. We do all kinds of awesome things, you know, whatever God says. Do we put our Yes on the table? Yes, I love that. I love that. Alright. Well, we are talking with Doctor Donna Potter in his name. Outreach. And so, you know, we need to know our purpose, right? And I, I always say that, you know, we're here to know God and let him be known and until we understand that nothing else will ever make sense, right? That's true. And a lot of people that come to me when I look at the age groups, even like 50 beyond, they think that for some reason their purpose is over, right? Like maybe because we, we came through the bulk of things or raising out our family and all of a sudden our purpose has changed and a lot of times that's true because limitations may stop us from doing some of the things that we need to do. But God doesn't say that our purpose ever stops. If you look right at John 15 verse 16, uh He said, you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide so that whatever you ask the father in my name, he may give it to you, you know, and in that scripture, I just look at how many times he says the word you right? He's so relational and, and wants us to know that it doesn't stop. Even somebody who can't do almost anything but lay in a bed can be the best prayer intercessor ever. Yes, absolutely. Um You know, I love that you're that you're saying this. Um We need to know that as I said, um we have this purpose and I think I see it in my age group a lot where women after they've raised their kids and their kids, you know, have their own families. They feel like they don't have a purpose anymore, um, or, you know, they, they're empty nesters or whatever it is, you know, they just like, what is my purpose? I've just dedicated, you know, 25 years to raising my kids or whatever it is. And then all of a sudden, you know, they're retired and they're not raising kids and they don't have any grandkids and they're like, ok, well, what is my purpose right now? I think a lot of women especially feel that way. Maybe men too, right? And, and that's one of the reasons why the church is so important. It says don't forsake the assembly, right? Because even like I've experienced within these last five or six years, my family going down to from, you know, a large size down to even my grandson moving to a different state. Um So I kind of lost many, but it's my church family who is my support system. It's the church where I can give back. Um I have the opportunity of being a prayer warrior in the prayer room during service, right? Prayer for the pastor, the congregation, uh you know, the tithes and offerings, whatever. Um But there are so many opportunities within your own local church to be able to outreach. Our church is great in outreach into the community. So many people need us, right? Our purpose is never over. True. It may change, but it's not over. I love that. On that note, we're going to go to another break here talking with Doctor Donna Potter in his name, outreach. When we come back, we're going to talk about our reward. And uh so don't go anywhere first. I want to tell you about more than a smile. Orthodontics. Doctor loves the Lord. He and his wife, love the Lord. They feel they're doing their calling and helping smiles all across this area. They've helped thousands and thousands of smiles. We'll be right back with the raw truth. Stay with us. If you are looking to improve your smile, Robbie recommends five star rated Dr Charles Coho at more than a smile orthodontics throughout his career, Dr Kohat has created over 13,000 beautiful smiles with braces and Invisalign. He will make sure you get the results you are looking for by using the most state of the art technology and procedures, whether you're interested in the most comfortable fastest or most discrete types of braces available. You will find them at more than a smile orthodontics. They take great pride in upholding a standard of honest compassion care. 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I invite you to come in and see everything that's new making catalyst, the cleanest safest and most amazing club in Western New York. Go online to Catalyst fitness buffalo dot com or visit one of our seven locations. Catalyst Fitness Activate your life. This is the raw truth with Robbie Rowe. Call with your questions and comments at 883, 5000 or 1 806 842848. Ok. Welcome back. Time goes way too fast here. I want to thank Myron. He's always so awesome. Hey, Myron, always doing an amazing job and of course, Solomon as well. Uh We got a great team here at W DC X radio. So we're talking about, we've been talking about identity and of course, the reward. What do you mean by that doctor Donna? Right? A reward um in Ephesians 26 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. He raises us up. There is a reward when our identity is placed within him. You know, your identity is free through faith. You know, in Ephesians 28, it says that it is a gift from God, a gift, but it's like Christmas. You know, if the gift sits on the table wrapped and you don't open it right, then you'll end up walking away from a reward that is waiting just for you. Amen. And I think you know what helps me put things in perspective is, you know, I have three family members in heaven and knowing that this life is but a vapor that we need to keep our eyes on our heavenly father and eternity and, and walking his truth. Uh You know, I'm selfishly want to see my family members again. But even if they weren't there, I want to be with the God who created me, the universe and everything in it. I don't need to pray to the universe. I get. So when people say I'm going to pray for the to the universe, you know, for you, I always say, I want to pray to the one who created the universe and everything in it, including us. Jesus says that he goes to the Father daily for each of us, right? So why would I would I look outside of that? Because it's my identity and my faith, the reward is, it is the hope we carry and extend to the world. It's our security and strength and troubled times, right? And it is who we are in the catalyst of how we live that is so good and, and you, you used the word hope, which is what I really want my listeners to hear. You know, there is hope no matter what you're going through right now, no matter what it is, maybe it's illness or relationships or financial or just, you know, just feeling hopeless. There's hope in Christ alone, there is and in that hope, um, you know, stepping alongside a counselor or somebody to be able to walk you through your difficult time. You don't have to do it alone. There are people you know, that are grounded in faith in Christ who are willing to walk with you. You're so good doctor Donna, Doctor Donna Potter in his name, outreach. Uh, let them know where they can check out. I know again. Uh, you can check us out online at ihno dot org or you can give us a call at 7164643681. Well, I am so grateful you joined us today and you always have so many topics. I mean, you gave me like five topics to choose from. I'm like, let's do all of them. Ok? We'll take one at a time here. But I mean, this, this literally is such important information because life is tough and, and yeah, you know, sometimes we can't see the forest through the trees, we're in the middle of something, you know, and you need someone who is a professional who can help you to work through things and bring you back uh to you know, the truth, which is God's truth. Stay in balance, right? You you know it, you know it doctor. Thank you so much for joining us today. Super glad to see you again. I can't wait till you come on again and to my listeners, you guys, thank you. So much for joining us. Don't forget to share this podcast. Uh We'll be on uh probably in the next couple of days. Carry Spring does an amazing job at uploading all of these uh shows. So I really appreciate it and have a wonderful week. Remember that God commands us of the fruit of spirit to have self control. That's with what we say, what we hear, what we read, you know, I always say the tongue, you know, was put behind a cage for a reason. Right? So that we hear more than we talk. OK. Uh And just be careful with all of that and that, of course, what you put on the end of your fork. All right guys, we'll see you right back here next week. God bless the preceding program is sponsored by the Raw Truth.