Commercials - Deep

Profile photo for Anthony Kosovich
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo gives a quick introduction of my various lower-range voices in three different commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in Lynchburg, Tennessee. You can park in the middle of the road to talk with the neighbor about taxes or politics. You can pick up enough wild blackberries to fill a tin bucket, and you can still see a distillery where Jack Daniel made whiskey way back in 18 66. We still make it in a slow, deliberate fashion, much as he did one. Super. You'll be glad to know we don't ever plan to stop. Jack Daniels. Smooth Sipan, Tennessee Whiskey. Come with me and discover an icy new world of refreshment. New Aspen is here chillingly crisp and clear. Aspen different from any soft drink ever. Only Aspen has a snap. The tantalizing snap of apple aspens different from lemon or lime. It's an icy world of refreshment. Discover Aspen, the first soft drink with just a snap of apple. Introducing Arby's new ultimate Angus Philly, then leased lines. Premium Angus beef oven roasted and piled high with Hunt melted Selanne's and could be the best Billy outside Philly. Our beans. We have the means