BEYOND LOVE Eng. Fem. Glamour Witch Gf. Wife Mother, 25-45 Yr.

Profile photo for Rielly Stares
Not Yet Rated


DATE SUBMITTED: August 21, 2023
VOICE ACTOR: Rielly Stares
DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT: First the character talks to her cat in a soothing tone. Then she reads a review of the Yves Saint Laurent Perfume \"Opium\" from PERFUMES: THE A-Z GUIDE by Luca Turin & Tania Sanchez.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi Chamber. How are you? Who's my kitty cat? Are we gonna read Opium's review from Perfumes, the A to Z guide? Yes, we are. Opium Yves, Saint Laurent five stars. Spice King. Opium illustrates better than any other fragrance. The peculiar phenomenon of love followed by rejection known as fashion. It is unquestionably one of the greatest fragrances of all time, not only in terms of phenomenal success, but in having deserved it yet, I would hate it if anyone were to wear it around me today. Why? Well, suppose you wrote down the basic requirements for a great perfume. Top of the list would be distinctiveness. Then radiance then to keep out homage like mutants some sort of working relationship with natural smells. Opium has the first two in spades and passes muster on the third. But so do Shalimar Chanel number five and a host of other greats. What is it that makes opium so dated when fragrance is 50 years older at his fresh paint? I believe the answer hinges on the faults of its qualities. The comparison with its almost exact contemporary and involuntary twin Cinnabar is instructive. Both were inspired by the same vision right down to the country, China and Color Vermillion also known as C Cinnabar. There is something particular and peculiar about spicy orientals being made almost entirely of dry down materials. They lack time evolution and the art of fragrance that gives it life and feel like broken wristwatches perennially stuck around 10 p.m. There, the resemblance ends, Cinnabar was rich, warm and fuzzy. Opium said one thing and one thing only with tremendous force. While this is the most cogent statement ever made by Balsams, one does tire of it. This and not the quality of its raw materials is what made opium smell so Fascinatingly solid in 1980 now makes it smell tiresome. Five stars. Opiums, East Saint Laurent. Thank you so much and I'll talk to you later.