Voice over for a Therapeutic Spa

Radio Ad


A hotel that was running a therapeutic spa needed me to write and voice a jingle to invite people over for enrollment

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Emily. Good thing you did as the weather gets to change unannounced. So does our skin make those changes unannounced? Making it quite unpleasant at times. But when this happens, the best way to appreciate nature is to take very good care of our skin and look presentable. Good for an exclusive melanin pumping skin and body care from Hector toe. We got you a gP knuckle therapeutic spa ranging from facial treatment to wax it. To sign up even pedicure and medic. You're all for very afforded pocket saving prices. And if you decide to go for a full body massage, we would give you a 30% discount off our rates. How about that? Only a jeep knuckle therapeutic spa. Look at it at the pinnacle suits extend 15 A pipeline road. In lowering Brockington enquiries called 07035493474 or 0703 to 3 to 8347 or 07036578 to 12 G. P. Nico therapeutic spa. Come say hi to your body of