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This particular demo is an excerpt from a 10-audio series I created called Dichotic Dissertation. Dichotics is a unique and powerful tool, which can assist you in accomplishing the changes you desire by altering neurological pathways associated with behaviors and habits that contribute to symptoms.

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I'm sure, you know by now that you cannot lose weight using low fat diets. And despite the attractive sound of this approach, low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years and our society is getting more overweight every year. You should also know that you won't lose weight using a low calorie dieting plan. Either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight. Low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days. But then after that, all weight loss comes to a halt. This is known as a dieting plateau. You can never get slim by starving yourself. Your metabolism will detect any major drop in calories and it will begin to adjust itself by burning fewer calories every day. If you begin eating 2500 calories per day, then your metabolism will adjust itself so that your body begins burning 2500 calories per day. If you try to starve yourself by suddenly eating 1000 calories per day, then your metabolism will again, adjust itself so that your body begins to burn only 1000 calories per day. And that's why you always seem to fail when you try and starve yourself. But forget about your past dieting failures for a moment. Just focus on one thought right now. What if it was really possible to change your body in 21 days? Well, believe it or not, it's really possible to change your body over the next 21 days. And it has nothing to do with dieting. You can get slim by eating the right foods at the right intervals each day and combining this new habit with my neuro conditioning program known as dichotic dissertation. And it's really simple dichotic dissertation is specifically designed to alter neurological pathways associated with behaviors and habits that contribute to the production of physical symptoms such as weight gain. Now, more times than not, the problem of weight gain is rooted in the moods, in behaviors, in the choices in the beliefs and in the habits that you've acquired over the years. But now with the right information in the right order, impressed on the right area of the brain, you can change all of that. When adding dichotic dissertation to your accelerated fat loss eating regimen, you can reconstruct input stimulus to the subconscious mind within 21 to 46 days by listening to these powerful processes once daily before bed. So make a commitment for the next 30 days to listen to one of the powerful dichotic dissertations. Every single day repetition is the first law of learning. If you ever hope to recondition the subconscious mind, you must fill it with your new paradigms over and over again. If you commit to this, your results will begin to come to you so quickly. It will absolutely amaze you. So remember, food is not the enemy food is like a light switch which can turn fat burning on and off. So even though it may seem like a contradiction to say that eating more often is the solution to weight loss. That's exactly what my new dichotic dieting system is all about. Don't believe it. Well, then take a test drive right now by downloading a sample process for free. Then when you see how powerful just this one process is in helping you to change the behaviors that caused your uncontrollable weight gain. The next step is to order the entire process and the ebook copies of your new eating plan.