English with 30+ years of experience in the communications community.

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This particular demo is an excerpt from a 10-audio series I created called Dichotic Dissertation. This technology is based on sound frequencies and their effect on the auditory system of your brain. This audio program has been designed to help people like achieve deeper levels of relaxation.

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Begin only with your awareness. Listen to the rhythmic pulsations of your breath, allow your attention to remain on the subtle in and out movement. As you inhale and exhale breed in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, simply observe the natural movement of your breath and notice the automatic effortless ease with which it occurs. And now detach yourself from the effort you exert to control this movement, allowing it to simply take place and now begin to observe the thoughts that are passing through your conscious awareness, begin to become more aware of every sensation you are now experiencing in your body. As you continue to breathe in and breathe out, you also allow these thoughts to come and go. Notice how the way you feel changes with each of the thoughts. Notice how frequently you give your attention to thoughts about the same thing and how this makes you feel. And so as you continue to move through the shadow of the valley of your thoughts, notice how many of them are familiar and recurrent, begin the journey for the source of these thoughts and recognize your purpose is to create an intended outcome that is different from that, which you now experience as your life.