
Profile photo for richard dicenso
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My name is Dr. Richard DiCenso. This demo is a promo for my stress relief program. I’ve been working as a voice-over artist for 30+ years and have completed hundreds of projects during that time, ranging from audio, videos, podcasts, live presentations, radio show hosting, and television interviews.

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Senior (55+)


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I know some of you are going through a very rough time and I know you've been suffering from the symptoms of stress and you're looking for relief. Well, what I'm about to present to you is the next step in that process. And it's really easy. All you have to do is listen to this audio once a day and you'll find yourself on the way to less stress, better concentration, more energy improved memory and more. Have you ever wished you could have increased peace of mind, release all the tension in your body, achieve deeper concentration, have mental clarity, increase your energy and vitality. Remain calm in all situations, energize your physical and mental self, improve your memory, eliminate your pain, sleep through the night. If you answered yes to any of these questions. I want you to know that I have good news for you today because today you are going to learn about a proven system that's guaranteed to provide you with all of that. And more you can finally live the happy, stress free and fulfilling life that you truly deserve. You'll be able to restore balance to your life with almost no effort. Achieving deeper levels of relaxed arousal is what you need right now. And this is a state in which the brain is particularly receptive to stimuli associated with a goal. We wish to achieve the relaxed arousal achieved during dichotic dissertation is not a kind of faith healing based on hypnotic suggestion. But if you're sick, if you're unwell, if you're overweight or stressed out, it can help you in so many ways. If you're not experiencing any of these things, it will help you to stay healthy. And I'm sure you know, by now that stress causes muscles to tighten, it causes weight gain, it causes blood pressure and breathing rates to rise. It causes indigestion, it causes energy depletion. But when you're relaxed, the opposite happens, your body returns to balance and all of these symptoms disappear. The end result is that you're able to improve all aspects of your life. We know that even you have the best opportunities available to you, but this does not necessarily mean that you will succeed. Many people become their own obstacles to success with negative inner talk and beliefs. And now you too can use this special program to help you reach new levels of freedom that you may have only dreamed of in the past by simply listening to these programs once daily, you too can achieve amazing results from pain reduction to insomnia, from stress to depression, from anxiety fatigue. And more. Now, I'm sure you've noticed that by listening to certain types of music, you feel a certain way in response, classical music might help you to think more clearly, a good thumping beat might get your energy up for a hard workout and a soothing soft melody can help you to feel deeply relaxed. Much of this has to do with the rhythm or the beat frequency of the music that you're listening to. You already know how powerful the rhythms you can hear are. But did you know that sound frequencies that are inaudible to the human ear can affect everything about how your mind functions, how you think, how you feel and even how you act. It's true. Your ability to concentrate, to revel in peak states of creativity, to sleep, to experience deep levels of introspective meditation are all measurable as specific sound frequencies. Now, here's what's really cool. If a specific sound frequency can be measured and associated with a state of mental function, then dichotic can recreate a sound frequency that your mind can tune into helping you have that level of experience whenever you want. Imagine having the ability to control how your mind functions. Imagine being able to reach into the deepest parts of your mind and change the beliefs that affect your behavior. Imagine being able to listen to an audio program that helps you to become more naturally organized. Imagine listening to a short audio program and feeling the stress of your day melt away. Well, my friend. It is no longer necessary to just imagine these possibilities. They are now a reality, passive listening to our programs is a powerful experience but adding information to the mix that helps you to understand more fully how your mind works and how to get the most of it is where you begin to easily access more and more of your potential. Introducing the dichotic dissertation program, this new revolutionary technology is based on sound frequencies and their effect on the auditory system of your brain. This unique Boral Beat audio program has been tested and proven to work to help people just like you achieve deeper levels of meditation. With this amazing audio program, you'll be able to relax, eliminate your stress, your worries and finally be able to focus on the task at hand without any distractions. Dichotic dissertation is specifically designed to alter neurological pathways associated with behaviors and habits that contribute to the production of physical symptoms. So, in effect, you will be deliberately altering your consciousness to receive a wide range of benefits including stress reduction, relaxation, improved sleep, enhanced intuition, deep meditation, healing, and expanded learning potential. This causes a form of entrainment or synchronization that attracts more to you of what you already feel, believe expect or can imagine. But the problem is that it also creates friction or resistance for you to fully embrace the new thoughts, behaviors, habits, beliefs and attitudes that you really want to experience your conscious and unconscious mind must be synchronized our stress relief treatment. Philosophy at matrix transformation is really simple, treat the person, not their diagnosis and of course, I could go on and on. But in the meantime, please understand that repetition is the first law of learning. If you ever hope to recondition the subconscious mind, you must fill it with your new paradigms. Repeatedly stressing less has never been easier or more effective. Surrender your stress and anxiety to the subtle relaxing tones of calming audio and tranquil imagery. With this revolutionary dichotic program, make a commitment for the next 30 days to listen to this powerful dichotic audio every single day and your results will begin to come to you so quickly, it will amaze you. And above all, remember it is better to try and fail. They're not to try at all.