Affirmations for VR sleep experience by young woman in English

Voice Assistant


Invitation to participate in a revolutionary VR sleep experience curated by Nap Bar, LLC - requested an introductions and 22 affirmation statements to be incorporated with augmented reality and digital visuals and soundscapes that were to be added in post production for the demostration

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to bedtime affirmations. Take a few cleansing breaths to center and ground yourself. You'll hear me state the affirmations. All you need to do is listen and internally repeat them to yourself. I am radical self love. I am powerful beyond measure. I am empowered to break the mental chains that have been holding me back. I live in flow and allow anything that wants to leave go. I feel calm, relaxed and grounded in this moment. All is well, I fall asleep easily and wake up, refreshed deep within me. There is an infinite source of overflowing love. It is safe for me to let go and release my day starts and ends with gratitude. I am so grateful for the love in my life. I feel at home in my body and honor it. Abundance flows freely to me. I am worthy of good things. Every day. I become more aligned with my divine purpose. I release all worries. Tomorrow is a new day to create. I value my dreams and desires. My journey is my own and I claim it now I am my ancestor's wildest dreams. I choose positive thoughts over negative thoughts. I have what I need and manifest what I want. I am. Rest.