Lancer from Deltarune Chapter 1 Demo Sample

Profile photo for Andrew Martinez
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Lancer from Deltarune Chapter 1 is described as very childish and generally immature in his behavior and speech. He delivers his lines with a near-constant smile on his face.

I have an idea that Lancer has a higher pitched annoying/childish voice, as it fits his goofy character and most of his text

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My dad's gonna make me his son of the month. I'm the bad guy. You clowns want to seal our dark fountain, huh? And still picturing you guys as clowns. Save the world from eternal darkness. Huh? We both know you'll go east. It's your only way home. But I Lancer won't let you get there. And I've got a flawless two step plan to share it. Step one, I thrash you. Step two. You lose. Oh, you make my feelings to Wheelies. Sweet Wheelies. Did you not realize I can mask my self esteem levels? You mean the purple girl? You fools, You're too late to stop me. It was so simple. She beat me up. So I ran away. Hey, if you head that way my troops will thrash you. I prefer to think of it as an invitation. Hey, why aren't you guys getting thrashed? You're totally outnumbered. And that's um unusual somehow. Sweet. How much did I get? Oh, can I have some of yours? Fine later, losers. I created a brand new fighting team ready to stop you. Not even the purple girl can stop me. Now, are you ready to be uh, you mean like in a bad *** way. Oh, ok. I get it. Thank you. Purple girl. Thanks. It was kind of you to teach me how to be scary with an evil laugh and now you're going to be thrashed.