Political Commercials

Profile photo for Rodney POWELL
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“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” ~ Proverbs 22:29

Conservative GOP Political Voice Over | A Trusted Voice for America

“Those who tell the stories rule society.” -- a timeless truth attributed to Plato.

WHO WILL HELP YOU TELL YOUR STORY? Look no further for that trusted voice.


Congressional. Senatorial. Gubernatorial. Presidential. I’ll provide the kind of gravitas that gives your message the credibility needed with today’s audience.

Let’s bring your target audience exactly what they’re looking for.

We can saturate your words with quiet strength, sincere conviction, intensity, thoughtfulness, and compassion … the kind of voice that brings much needed assurance to voters.

Believability, concern, both hard and soft political reads -- we’ll infuse your message with depth and authority.

Do you need a warm and folksy delivery for your message, or tough and plain-spoken? Confident political spokesman or down-to-earth “everyman”? You decide -- I bring the versatility to communicate your message in the exact way that resonates with your audience’s core values and motivates them into action.

Need to deliver the hard punch, to hit challenging issue ads with strength, but pull back with sensitive subjects that call for a gentle approach? I can do that too.

Whether you require the voice of sincerity or the voice of authority, a voice of anger or the voice of a friend, a conversational storyteller or an urgent warning, I will give you the read that makes your political advertisements count.


There’s a relationship between business, politics, and marketing -- I get it! Time is money, and I won’t waste yours, especially in the heat of a political battle.

We can make your political advertisements count ! ... the VOICE that wins !

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 1984 Ronald Reagan told us that it was morning again in America, a strong economy, low unemployment, prosperity and strength abroad, backed by a powerful military. Today the sun is rising across the nation. Once again, President Trump has overseen the fastest economic expansion in American history. Jobs are plentiful in our enemies. Know that America is strong. Ted Chris was on the campaign trail. Running for his first tournament are Senator. A crowd gathered to meet him as he moved along rope line unexpectedly, and he looked back and he made on contact with me. He introduced himself and shook my hand. If I could only think to say thank you. And when you go to Washington, please don't let them change you. His face grew serious, says he shook my hand more firmly. Looking me directly in the eye, he said, You have my promise. I've watched Ted Cruz over the years in a mindful of that exchange, every time he stands up against the establishment on both sides. I'm Ted Cruz and I approve this message. Greg Abbott He's a leader that Texans know we can trust. As governor, Greg Abbott has established Texas as the heartbeat of our national economy. Local incomes air up. He's made Texas business friendly by cutting regulations. Families and businesses are moving from all over to the great state of Texas. Freedom, Liberty, Constitution. These are the things Rand Paul holds dear, and he fights for them every day in the United States Senate. It's optimism, its boldness and doing what's best for America. When government bureaucrats waste money, Rand Paul holds them accountable. When the I. R. S abuses its power against hardworking Americans, Rand Paul fights back this November reelect Senator Rand Paul and send him back to Washington to keep fighting for your freedom. I'm Rand Paul and I approve this message. Not all school district's air created equal. It doesn't matter how much you spend or how high you raise taxes. Sometimes education bureaucrats just can't get the job done. As parents, we deserve a choice, and our kids deserve better. Call your state representative and tell them that you support school choice Dan Crenshaw and the boys of Seal Team three. We're looking out for America well before he was our congressman. Now he's fighting to defend our borders at home in Afghanistan, Dan Sacrifice denied protecting America, but he still sees the border threat more clearly than the willfully blind in Washington. Dan Crenshaw knows what danger looks like because he's seen it face to face Congressman Dan Crenshaw, who's watching your back.