Story of lione & mouse

Profile photo for Rashid Muhammed
Not Yet Rated


Fun and Entertaining Short Moral Stories for Your Children
If you want to imbibe good habits in your kids from early on and watch them grow up to become good individuals

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
airline Waas one sleeping in it in the general when a mouse started running up and down his body just for fine. This disturbed the land sleep and he woke up cute, angry. Give us a board to eat the mouse. When the mouse dis apparently requested the land toe set him free. I promise you I will be off Great Helped you someday if you save me The lion Lawford at the mouse is confident and let him go. One day a few hundreds came into the forest on Took the land with them. They tied him up against it. Three. The Lion Waas struggling to get out on started toe whimper Soul the mouth. Walk it past on. Notice it the lion in trouble. Acutely, he ran on No on the robs to set the land free. Both of them spread off into the jungle