English audiobook sample

Profile photo for Rachel Fletcher
Not Yet Rated


Matilda - Roald Dahl
Chantress- Amy Butler Greenfield

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Daddy, she said. Do you think you could buy me a book? A book? He said, What do you want to flame in Book for? To read. Daddy, What's wrong with the telly? For heaven's sake, You've got a lovely telly with a 12 inch screen, and now you come asking for a book. You're getting spoiled, Margo. Nearly every weekday afternoon, Matilda was left alone in the house. Her brother, five years older than her, went to school. Her father went to work and her mother went out playing bingo in a town eight miles away. Mrs. Wormwood was hooked on bingo and played it five afternoons a week. Okay. Mm. Perhaps I misheard. No, there it was again. A little thing lie distant, the clear. It lasted hardly longer than a heartbeat. But it left me certain of one thing. It was more than a gulls cry. I'd heard it was a song Who is singing it? I glanced over my shoulder at Nori, hunched over a cabbage bed, Agre Frizzle poking out from under her linen cap as far as I need. She was the only other inhabitant of this lonely Atlantic island, but it couldn't have been nori I'd had for if there was one thing that my guardian set above all others It was this one There must be no singing ever sing And the darkness will find you Mhm Tonight we sing seeking hands The sound of skin skin Ours is a carnal him The slapping of the strings with a baseline Sticks to sweat slipped towards the leather that crackles in the summer heat Tonight I curl around your beat