English audiobook narration raw sample

Profile photo for Rachel Fletcher
Not Yet Rated


Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe = C. S. Lewis

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
all the proceeding afternoon and night, Heavy thunderstorms had hissed down upon the meads. But this morning the sun shone out all the more brilliantly for the deluge, and the air was barmy and clear. When the girls reached the crooked lane, they found that the rain had flooded the lane to a distance of some 50 yards. This would have been no serious hindrance. On a week day, they would have clicked through it in their high boots, quite unconcerned. But on this Sunday of vanity for wearing their thin shoes and they're pink, white and lilac gowns on which every mud spot would be visible, the pool was an awkward impediment. Good evening. Good evening, said the phone. Excuse me, I don't want to be inquisitive, but should I be right in thinking that you are a daughter of E? My name is Lucy, said she, not quite understanding him. But you are. Forgive me. You are what they call a girl. Set the phone. Of course I'm a girl, said Lucy. You are in fact human. Of course I'm here Then, said Lucy, still a little puzzled. How stupid of me. But I've never seen a daughter of Eve before that is to say. And then it stopped as if it had been going to say something it had not intended but had remembered in time. Delighted. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is dumbness.