Profile photo for Pierre Franklin
Not Yet Rated


Small voice over of me speaking in general

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my name is Pierre franklin. I'm born and raised in Newark New Jersey, um currently live in Arizona phoenix to be exact, I mean, I really know how to do this type of thing because I never did it before to be honest, so I'm just kind of putting anything on the tape right here because I mean voice recording this, I mean I never put my voice in that thing. I never did any projects as far as music, anything like that, I did a couple of small projects, you know, I'm saying like of what do you call it? Video editing as far as that goes, but nothing too major. Um so I'm right now, I'm just really kind of just throwing it out there, just put my voice on the track just to see what, see what are pulling, you know what I'm saying, like as far as I see what type of fish I catch, um you know, something that's interested in, you, you know, you can definitely go to contact me any way possible um via email or anything like that. But anything else you might need, you can always request it. I say that would be the best bet. You can kind of request something from me and I can kind of throw it together and then you know, give you what you need that as far as like this goes. You know, like I said, um I don't got anything, so this is me right here I understand. So if it's something that you want, something that's interesting to you, like I said, go to contact me um uh Yeah that's it. Yeah, so that's me. Thanks for listening.