PhilltheVoice Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Phillip Kast
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Versatility and warmth in voice for Commercials and E-Learning

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know that feeling you get like everything is just falling into place. That's how I felt after using monday dot com after just a few minutes. It's the management tool I never knew. I was looking for three steps. I was filling mawr grounded in my business than ever before. You pick a template, customize it. It gets work. When you want sound on an epic scale inhabit, fill your entire space with vibration. The Physio Sound Bar collection will bring you an audio experience. You've only dreamed of an expansive space feeling experience packed with elegant design. Did you know there are more than 60 ways to volunteer with the Humane Society of the U. S. Sure, monetary donations are really important for supporting various programs. But volunteering is also important for what we do. People conjoined our efforts in many ways from helping out at a local animal shelter to getting involved with a pledge drive. You're not shopping for your first truck. You've owned a few before and know what you need from your next one. You've done your research, and that's why you're looking at the line of new Chevy Silverado HD. There's a university in Arizona that's rising above the ordinary. That's offering higher education and inspiration to a new generation of leaders. Arizona State University is a place where we set our sights and aspirations higher.