Podcast Sample

Profile photo for Danielle Rivenbark
Not Yet Rated


A clip of the podcast \"Life As We Know It\" where Danielle and her brother Scott are talking about professional organizations.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we're gonna kick it off this week talking about professional organizations and the roles they might play so before Begin Danielle, you suggested this topic. So I want you to help us out. Give me some examples of some professional organizations that someone might be a part of, so I feel like every industry has one. You just have to figure out what your your niches Eso Teachers Association, is probably the biggest one that almost everybody can relate. Teoh In my industry, there's like an event manager professional organization called Meeting Professionals International, where it has, you know, event managers in finance professionals have them. Anybody that doesn't else is on the stock market. Non credit programs, conference managers, higher education. People who plan graduations like you would be so surprised at the amount of professional organizations that are out there. So they, every single industry has won for sure. All right, so I guess the next question is, what value do you think they hold? I think defining is important about a lot of people who are just leaving college, maybe don't see the value in them, or maybe don't even know they exist. So what value do you think they so there's actually three things, and it's something that my professional organization has in kind of like its motto or it's the building block, the crux of it. It's education, networking and resource is so like I said, it's a bunch of people that holds similar positions in the workforce where they get together either face to face or through Webinars. Just whatever mechanism they have, where they can share best practices, enhance and expand their knowledge, keep up with the current trends, the latest technology and then, of course, make connections and build the network so that when you're in need of something, you know, you sort of already have this built in network of people that could help you either give you guidance or give you a product that you might need, whether that's a software tool or some kind of promotional item where you know Oh, I know that person does this particular thing. I need let me reach out to them because we have a relationship already. See what they charge to, you know, create this product or whatever you're in need of so education. Networking resource is definitely your kind of the three big things