Phil Gillen - Full Commercial Demo

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Full Commercial Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when Oreos took the snack world by storm in 1912, the debate began. What's better the crisp, chocolatey cookie or velvety sweet cream? The bigger question, how can anyone take sides when Oreos are perfection? Inside and out? The answer is simple. People are stupid and will argue over anything. Have I have an oreo? A life without fun is not a life well lived play with all kinds of creative possibilities. Have Playmates. Creative Cloud's newest features, unlock the powers of collaboration and imagination. Imagine it make it done. That's adobe. Creative Cloud. Remember in the movie when they were flinging him up on the wing thing with a thing and moving quiet. Oh love hate that part then what are they shooting at? And whoa. No way. Yes way Avengers. Endgame. See it now on Disney Plus today is the day they met the king of the jungle. Heard what the fox says and even climbed a dino. You gave them today forever. The columbus zoo and aquarium, elegance with the heart of a beast. Land rover. Some people say there's no going back to the way things were. Were okay with that join us at R E I dot com