Non-Profit - 15 seconds

Profile photo for Paul Miles
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Job Description:
Fur Bark is an organization based in Aruba that rescues injured, stray animals who have been abandoned. The organization is trying to appeal to potential donors and volunteers to adopt, become a foster parent, or to donate supplies. The video will feature playful puppies and kittens as well as before and after shots of the rescues.

The video campaign will run on social media. There are two different lengths – a 15-second and a 30-second read. The ad is a black screen at first and then pet photos pop up after 2 seconds into the script.

Artistic Direction:
The voice should be upbeat yet authoritative in the message they are delivering. It should also be youthful and hip.

Category: Advertising
Style: Upbeat and engaging

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, we know Instagram posts are so much better when they have pets. Help us to complete the picture. Direct message us to find out ways that you could help out and save a furry friends life.