English, Religion and Science

Profile photo for Patrick Enemudo
Not Yet Rated


This is an audiobook on religion and Science

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Nigerian North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the human body is very mysterious and complex. David saw the marvel of the dynamic body and said it is fearfully and wonderfully made. He was brought in the West Part inside Yet now science has invented and developed a body scanner. They can look at each instant pie with the human body as though your cultural person. Chemical activity inside the body can now be seen when a patient just thinks about moving their hand, a part of the brain lights up. Surely the body is the work of the super infinite genius. The hands did see all my substance, science now and beyond the seas, the unique, marvelous creation. Ah But he has electrical energy in it. That is why when we move our brings later in some way like a flesh and bone computer. That's why science will come too close to inventing human like robots, definitely. They are being invented. The inventions we finally collide with the image into the beast. Oh yes. Remember there would be a body that some level of science might not be able to call back compare it.