1st Person Narration Emotional Sad/Angry Sample

Profile photo for Jay Parker
Not Yet Rated


From Feyd by A. C. Darkly. Emotional Scene between MC Rod and his dad. Rod Has discovered something about his mom that his dad has been hiding.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I read her words over and over. Palm pushed hard over my mouth trying not to make a sound. But the hicom breast pierced through my chest in sharp gasps. I could hear her, her voice, her laugh, her scream, the echo of a gunshot. It tempest the memories and regret. We never deserved her. But how, how did this lost page find its way into dad's wallet? How could he have known where to find it? Why didn't he say any? A shadow crept into my peripheral by the door and I jumped immediately drawing the hat further over my eyes and standing. Dad stared at me in his robes and sweats using the sides of the wall for balance. He arched a quizzical brow. You, you're I said voice catching unsure of what to do with the wallet and litter. I wavered on hiding them before just letting my arms fall guiltily at my sides. I glanced a few times at the washer behind me pointing. I've um I was just doing some what happened to your eyes? His face twisted in revulsion. Looks like you got pepper sprayed my mouth opened but nothing came out so much for a disguise. His eyes flickered down to the notebook page. I followed his line of sight before looking back up at him fidgeting with the paper. His jaw tightened for a long moment. He said nothing. I know. He began stiffly as his mouth worked hard for the right words. He leaned against the door frame. ***. Shifting to the floor. I know what you think and you're not wrong. But he looked at me, the emotion squirmed its way through the cracks in his face. Straining it into a bitter frown as glassy tears wild in his eyes. I, I loved her and I'm, I'm, I'm you ******* *******. My fist tightened over the note this whole time. You knew, you knew and you never said anything, Rod, this isn't what it after all I've done. I shouted, trying to open up to you, put down my walls, help you. You knew Rod Rick listened to me. I stormed past him and shoved him out of my way. He staggered and gripped the door and counter for balance. I didn't think I'd hit him that hard, but he gave a painful growl and curled over cringing when he shot his head back up to see me. A sudden scour placed the tears. What did you expect? He snapped. Helena didn't know what she was talking about. She was insane and she was wrong about both of you. I snatched my backpack from the floor and marched down the hallway, shaking my head in disgust. There was no ******* way I couldn't do this. Not anymore. He followed me on labored steps and laughed from my bedroom door as I unzip my bag and shoved the rest of my clothes in from the dresser and closet. Surprise, surprise. Go ahead. Pack your ****. Where did you think this was gonna lead? He jeered you wanted redemption sympathy. All you've done this whole time is refuse to see things for the way they are that makes you just as blind as she was. I shut up my fist took him around the collar of his robe and I rammed him into the wall across the hall. Face inches from his in a near blackout rage. He stared into me, eyes startled and wide before flattening into a glare. I don't ever wanna ******* see you again. I seethed shaking and fighting against every muscle that wanted to lash out and literally kill him right there where he stood. Don't talk to me. Don't try to find me. Just ******* die here, miserable and alone and see if I give a damn. Like I said, he narrowed his green eyes voice lowering dryly. I'm not the one who came running back. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. I released my clamp on his neck and threw him to the floor. Then without looking back, booked it for the front door and slammed it behind me.