What is Terrebonne, OR known for?

Video Narration


I wrote, produced and edited this track for a real estate broker in Central Oregon

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So what's Terrebonne known for? Hey everyone, if you're curious about what Terrebonne is known for, I've got the answer for you. Terrebonne is a small town located in central Oregon just a few miles north of Redmond. It's known for its stunning natural beauty and recreational opportunities. One of the main attractions in Terrebonne is smith Rock State Park, which is a world renowned destination for rock climbing, hiking and other outdoor activities. Terrebonne is also home to several wineries and the area is known for its high quality wines that are produced from locally grown grapes. Another thing Terrebonne is known for is crooked River Range, the largest planned community in the state, housing over 5000 people as well as a golf course. It's a big part of Terrebonne life. So there you have it, some of the things Terrebonne is known for. Thanks for watching. And if you want to learn more about central Oregon, real estate and see some awesome houses hit the light.