What Is A Fixed Rate Mortgage

Video Narration


I wrote, produced and edited this track for a real estate broker in Central Oregon

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey guys, are you confused about what a fixed rate mortgages? Well, don't worry, it's actually pretty simple. A fixed rate mortgage is a type of home loan where the interest rate stays the same for the entire term of the loan. This means that your monthly mortgage payments will also stay the same, which can help you budget and plan for the future. In contrast with an adjustable rate mortgage, the interest rate can change over time, which can lead to fluctuations in your monthly payments. Fixed rate mortgages are a popular choice for home buyers because they offer stability and predictability. You don't have to worry about your monthly payments going up unexpectedly. However, it's important to note that fixed rate mortgages may have higher interest rates compared to adjustable rate mortgages. So it's important to shop around and compare your options. So there you have it a quick explanation of what a fixed rate mortgages. Thanks for watching. And if you want to learn more about central Oregon real estate and see some awesome houses hit the light.