Commercial (Rugged, Gritty, Energy, Attitude, Blue Collar, Hard Work)

Online Ad


English - USA and Canada
Male young adult
Male adult
Purposes of recording
Additional sample details
Guy Next Door

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here at Verstappen dot com were there for everyone because we're all different but stronger. United cheering for the new generation and appreciating the ones that brought us here, bring you close to the action when it matters the most. We are ready in the re energized aviation landscape. New opportunities are presenting themselves to airlines all the time. The growth of low density high frequency routes, the need for new passenger experiences, people in communities wanting to travel again. But without the right aircraft, these opportunities remain unrealized or unprofitable. You've heard our story before in some ways it's yours. It's the one about rolled up sleeves, measuring twice, cutting once and building something you're proud to put your name behind. What are we building a different kind of workwear brand? One that shares the values of our buddies in the trades who put in the work. They're the reason we make boots that feel as good at six p.m. as they did at six a.m. They're the best you've ever worked in or we'll take them back. We are brunt the tools you wear, try us on the job for 30 days, risk free at pro keep we turn conversations into commerce so that as you build relationships with your customers, you also build your business. Whether you've got one branch or 1000 Pro Keep is your solution for more sales, a better customer experience and more workforce productivity, your customers deserve a better buying experience, help them succeed by giving them the ability to do more business with you by using Pro Keep.