Audiobook/ English/Narration/ Demo

Profile photo for Osvaldo Mieses
Not Yet Rated


This audiobook demo is a sample narration of clear voice with high quality audio recording.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
On the first Monday in April of the year 16, 25th, an 18 years old man left home and rode to Paris to France to find his fortune. His name was Darman. His clothes were all and worn and so was his horse. It was an old farm horse. Yellow in color. It didn't have a single hair on its tail. But if you were to laugh at this country boy or his horse, it would have been a bad mistake. Darman for where his country looks was no farmer. His father had been a brave soldier who served the king of France for many years. He had taught his son all he knew about swore p and he had even given Daan his old sword and the young man knew how to use the word. Darden had a quick temper. He was from a part of France called gas. The people from gaskey are known for two things being brave and not taking anything from anybody at any time. Darden was gas gun from his cap with a long feather in it to the bottom of it. Well worn boots. He was brown from the sun and he had a big gas and nose, but he was as quick to laugh as he was to fight. He didn't have much beside his sword, his horse and his pride. His father had given him 15 gold coins and a letter. The letter was to Mr De Trivia. The man in charge of the king's musketeers. The king's masers were the best fighters in France and Dana's father has served them. Well, your dad man wanted to chat the musketeers and the letter would help him.