
Profile photo for Ori Kalmus
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Television Ad


Fox Sports, Melrose Mac, Bank of the West, Peru Tourism, and Seventh Generation Baby Diapers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yes. Touchdown, Fox Sports. You are my lucky little charming. You and me, You're going all the way. The Super Bowl, baby. Yeah, Sick of the Apple store. Come in and get some help from Melrose Mac. We'll fix your stuff like all of it. Soft like a baby's bump. Seventh generation free and clear diapers and wipes made without fragrances. The first and Onley diaper to the USDA certified bio based Rise Coffee has a new delicious vegan oat milk cold Bruto. Wake you up in the morning. That's nitrogen making magic safety, security professionalism. Bank of the West proudly serves America with over 600 branches. The time is now to discover Peru. Wild and adventurous, relaxing and calm. Peru has everything you want in a get away.