How I Feel About Scripts

Profile photo for Rosalina Hollis
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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look, if you give me a script, I can follow through with it. But I can also deviate with the voices. Just give me what their personality is like, and I'll try and give you a voice to match. Um, I can also stick to the script a lot if you want me to. If you wanted to be that serious, Um, my friend told me I sound like I'm in high school. Do I really sound like a in high school? Um, I'm panicking right now. Not really, but, you know, just introverts stuff that's trying to make a living, even though I'm still living off my parents and I don't mean to, but, you know, just like, just consider me, please. Or at least give me feedback. Don't Don't listen to my stuff without giving me feedback. You know, I want to learn and try to be better. Thank you.