Narrative Sample

Profile photo for Nobby Ahluwalia
Not Yet Rated


Studio recoded demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It wasn't every day, a bombshell like this one walked into my office. She had lips the color of blood and blue eyes that could melt her heart and even hearted old P. I like me. I knew she was trouble the minute I laid eyes on her, there was something special about this one I could tell wildly successful beyond the designer's original dreams. The Mars Exploration rover mission has rewritten the geological history of MArs spirit and opportunity, the little robotic rovers that could were a key part of Nasa's MArs Exploration program. Last quarter's numbers showed a slight decline in total revenue recovery. Clearly, a part of this is due to our staffing issues in the Northwestern division. Page 22 in your presentation packet provides a few key points that you should be aware of. The Houston Astros have a storied past but have come up winless more often than not. The franchise was started in 1962 when they were called the Houston Colt 40 five's a moniker that came from a name, the team contest. Although the Colt 40 five's first three seasons were disappointments. The team earned a new stadium that opened in 1965. Thank you for listening. I'm Nobby Ahluwalia