Podcasting Demo

Profile photo for Noah Baker
Not Yet Rated


This is just a short demo to showcase ad reads pertaining to a podcast

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, this is Noah Baker. I'm a voice acting talent out of Des Moines, Iowa. And I'm just recording a demo here for a podcast ad read. And with that, I will begin podcast is brought to you by sponsor. Sponsor is one of the greatest in the industries they can do X Y and Z. If you're interested in said sponsor, just go to W W dot sponsor name dot com back slash podcast and get 20% off of your first order. That is W W dot sponsor name dot com back slash podcast name again, 20% off. Thank you. Let's get on back to our content. If you're also interested, I can do uh intros, guest introductions, anything like that, just reach out if you are interested. Thank you.