This audio contains a short poem from English literature.

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\"My Delight and Thy Delight\" is a captivating and emotionally charged English poem that explores the profound connection between two individuals and their shared experiences. Written in a lyrical and romantic style, delves into themes of love, joy and the unbreakable bond between two souls.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My desire and thy desire twinning to a tongue of fire, leaping life and laughing higher through the everlasting strife. In the mystery of life. Love from whom the world began. Hath the secret of the sun. Love can tell and love alone when the million stars were strewn. Why each atom known its own. How in spite of vogue and death, *** is life and sweet is breath. This he taught us this. We knew happy in his signs, true hand in hand as we stood net the shadows of the wood, heart to heart as we lay in the downing of the day.