English, over 20 years of performance, wide vocal range

Profile photo for Nikki McCauley
Not Yet Rated


This is a wide variety of different video game roles

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester) British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Has been expecting you. Fine, fine. How much time do you need? What are you thinking? Those flares will draw the creatures right to us. Oh, careful agent. Our insurance doesn't cover that. And how does the brave Lord choose who he sends to die? The road forward is sacred, guarded against those with evil in their hearts. Find your center fang. Think of the customers. Give me your knife that torch too. We need to cauterize the wound. I'm a very good bartender. I was trained by Death Wing himself to defeat any foe. It's got a bite. So we warned true powers, the ability to twist your reality to satisfy your ambition. That is the root of all magic. I made it my goal to learn as much about agents as possible. So be careful out there.