Nicole Blessing Medical Narration Demo

Profile photo for Nicole Blessing
Not Yet Rated


Several examples of medical narration text.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
kernel based segmentation technique is employed to extract the portion from the image. The use of small colonel's allows designing a deeper architecture besides having a positive effect against over fitting, given the fewer number of weights in the network. Neural network training and testing are performed separately by using small image colonels. Velocity measurements. Allow assessment of cardiac valve areas and function any abnormal communications between the left and right side of the heart. Any leaking of blood through the valves, valvular regurgitation and calculation of the cardiac output. Contrast. Enhanced ultrasound. Using gas filled micro bubble contrast, media can be used to improve velocity or other flow related medical measurements. Both influence of viruses and Corona viruses are typically contagious viruses that cause respiratory disease. Corona viruses are members of the sub family Corona, Vera and I in the Corona Vera di family and the Night Oh Virals Order, including four genera. Alfa Corona Virus Bait, a Corona virus, Gamma Corona virus and Delta Corona Virus. 21 Corona Viruses cause respiratory and intestinal infections, and animals and humans diffuse large B cell lymphoma. D. L BCL is the most common subtype of non Hodgkin lymphoma, as although majority of patients are cured with standard chemo immunotherapy up to 40% of D L BCL patients have refractory disease or develop relapse following our chop regimen.