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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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join West Hartford hauntings the last two weekends in october for lantern, The tours of one of West Hartford's oldest graveyards, Old North Cemetery, This annual spooky in theatrical tour is presented by the Noah Webster House in West Hartford Historical Society in a perfect blend of real history and theater. The lives and deaths of past residents are recreated by a cast of over 20 actors. The dearly departed return for a few nights only to enlighten you about their lives and how ideas of crime, punishment and freedom have evolved over West Hartford's long history. The outdoor venue provides a safe option for having fun. This Halloween season pore sizes are limited and sell out quickly. Tickets are available online at Noah Webster dot yep city dot com, recommended for ages 10 and up A. S. L. Interpreted tours available on select nights, see you amongst the graves.