English American Female (Young Adult) - Voice Over

Profile photo for NBerry Pops
Not Yet Rated


The script, and overall audio is edited by myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Caribbean (General) North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
- Look into my eyes and tell me what you'll do for me. Maybe then will I agree to your offer, Casanova today?
- We face our greatest enemy yet. But whether we live or die, I am proud to fight this role. Let's go with some heads off!
- I'll do better. No, you are the one not showing me attention. It's your fault.
- Well, sign me up and don't let me find out you left some details out of this job. I'll have your head and your dignity.
- We go to a junction tomorrow. Get on. We got a problem half past three and I better not be late.
- Mom. I can't sleep. Oh, well, I, I wanna sleep here. Oh, why not, Daddy? You know, where are we going? Really? I can't. Daddy's taking me to the phone. Daddy.