Hardcore Metal Themed Radio Ad Jingle Singing

Profile photo for Nathaniel Maurer
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This ad was written and recorded by myself for the National Exterminators in South West Florida. This commercial includes a reoccurring character and a reoccurring theme song set to a different genre of music.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Call them 1446. But to go rodents call the boys and national exterminators at 23946. No bug or visit them online at Best Control. Made easy dot com. For all your best patrol needs bugs, termites, rodents and even at a constellation better service better prices and no contracts that 1446 to go call the boys and national exterminators at 23946, no bug or visit them online at Best Control made easy dot com. For all your best control needs bugs, termites, rodents and even at a constellation, better service better prices and no contracts.