Nathan Elks Character Demo

Profile photo for Nathan Elks
Not Yet Rated


Here are a few demos all put into one spot with mastering and sound FX.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US South) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and welcome back to another episode of Will the dog catch his tail and he's off 345 spins. Six spins. He's going for 77 spins. He's getting quicker, folks. Will he ever get bored? I will not allow another one of my sons to die in war. Yes, you are strong and ready, but my heart can't bear another loss. I forbid you from fighting in this war. I thought you said we were gonna be barbecuing today, cousin. You ain't got but 30 beers here, it seems you've forgotten how we do things around these parts. I think this calls for a quick road trip, rock paper scissors to see who's driving. I can just about make it out. It's a riddle. The chambers of the here and that there are those who ventured forward, proceed with care. Hope your courage isn't too late. Fear from the truth, and you'll meet your fate. Oh, man! What the heck does that mean? Listen closely, you've got three weeks to pay everything off. Not the third, not f O any less. And bye bye to those pretty little fingers. My employer doesn't like it when his payments are later. Well, you see tom the thing is, if I give you a dollar today, then you're gonna expect a dollar from me every day and I don't have enough dollars for that. So I'm I'm gonna have to politely decline your threat to beat me up. If I don't pay