ELearning Explainer American Male Voice

Profile photo for Nathan Edwards
Not Yet Rated


You need a voice for your Elearning or Explainer video. You want it to be calming, yet authoritative. You've come to the right place.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi and welcome to our on demand video series from pitch to close. Designed to help you win new business. This course provides you with real world selling strategies right across the sales cycle, equipped with video modules including sea level objection handling qualifying opportunities, negotiating best practices and more. This is the perfect training program for anyone selling business to business products or services. In this module, we will discuss what to do. If you come across an unattended mobile mover, A mobile mover is an assistive device used to carry heavy objects from Point A. To Point B. This vehicle must be operated by a qualified driver or if an automatic mode must be supervised at all times, if you see a mobile mover unattended on the floor, immediately check your surroundings to ensure that there are no other people in the direct path up to now you've learned how to identify workplace hazards and how to report them to your supervisor. In this module, we'll discuss the hierarchy of control measures that can be used to eliminate hazards from the work process altogether. Right