Commercial Compilation - North American

Radio Ad


A compilation of commercial clips.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sure, all our products are organic vegan, ethically sourced and produced. But we're not some kind of eco warriors. We just think you should have products that don't harm you other people or the planet seems like that should just be normal. See our normal at dot com still think diamonds are a girl's best friend. Get with the times. Get behind the wheel. The Lexus I s Yep. There she is Jane, that neighbor. Hi, Jane Yards. Looking great. You know, mom's always perfect seasonal decorations rotated like clockwork makes it gluten free dairy, free nut, free, low carb muffins for the annual block party that feel like a cloud and taste like a dream and you just wish she would burn an entire batch just once, but she never does because Jane, the Home Depot has landscaping experts who can help you make your yard, Jane worthy stop by and see what we have to offer. Probably can't help with the muffins though. Discover the newest Coca Cola. Hashtag real magic story worlds merge as a fearless warrior and a young gamer pave the way to a new dawn change the course of history and unveil the true meaning of real magic at Coca Cola dot com for your commercial and industrial accounts. There is no what's now you need to know what's next arm yourself with tools and insights, enable your customers to achieve their goals. No code, no complex technical training, no reliance on other experts, meet your commercial and industrial accounts demands with oracle utilities, sales for commercial account management. What's next is what's now?