YouTube, Video Narration, English Language, Popular Psychology,

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Video Narration


Attention all smartphone users - could the way you use your smartphone be an indicator of your mental health?

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
did you know that checking your phone too much might be a sign that you're struggling with mental illness. a team of psychologists at the university of derby and nottingham trent university conducted an online study with 640 smartphone users aged 13 to 69 to determine the association between smartphone use and personality traits. results indicated that people who struggle with their mental health are more likely to intensively use their smartphone as a form of therapy as your anxiety levels increase, the more you might use your smartphone, the less diligent you are, the more likely you are to be addicted to your phone. so, have you noticed that your flatmate has been glued to their phone lately? or that your younger sister can't seem to give up their phone for anything or anyone? well, they could be going through something now might be a good time to talk with them and see if they need your help.